How does one toast?
Toast, Not Yell!
Table Right (formerly Table Lady):
At a formal dinner, you toast by first lifting your glass with your right hand and turning to the left toward your Table Left. Lift your glass in a toast, but without the glasses touching! Then turn to your right neighbor and raise your glass. After this, lift your glass toward the person sitting across from you, lower it, and take a sip. Then do the same thing in reverse: across, right, left. Now you've completed a toast.
Table Left (formerly Table Lord):
At a formal dinner, you toast by first lifting your glass with your left hand and turning to the right toward your Table Right. Lift your glass in a toast, but without the glasses touching! Then turn to your right neighbor and raise your glass. After this, lift your glass toward the person sitting across from you, lower it, and take a sip. Then do the same thing in reverse: straight ahead, left, right.
What makes it tricky for Table Left and Table Right is that they must always have an "open embrace" toward the person they're toasting with. This means they must switch hands between the right and left so that the glass is held in the hand farthest from the person they are toasting with.
Still feeling confused? Don't worry! It usually works itself out on the spot, and if not, you’ll have a great conversation topic!