
During the Ball

The Table Left, traditionally known as the Table Lord, assists their Table Right, traditionally the Table Lady, by pulling out or pushing in their chair when they sit down or stand up. If the Table Left places their wine or schnapps glass down before the Table Right, it is considered impolite.

Spontaneous toasts and quick tempos should be avoided during the evening; time for songs and toasts will be managed by the song and toastmaster.

If a bag is brought, it should not be placed on the table during dinner, but instead kept in the lap or hung on the chair. Utensils should be used according to the rule of starting from the outside and working inwards. Glasses should be taken from right to left.

It is considered very impolite to leave the table during the ball, but if unavoidable, this should be done as discreetly as possible so as not to disturb other guests. One should wait until any speeches or similar events have concluded before re-entering the hall to ensure this is as discreet as the initial exit.

A smoking break occurs after the meal has ended.

How does one toast?

Toast, Not Yell!

Table Right (formerly Table Lady):

At a formal dinner, you toast by first lifting your glass with your right hand and turning to the left toward your Table Left. Lift your glass in a toast, but without the glasses touching! Then turn to your right neighbor and raise your glass. After this, lift your glass toward the person sitting across from you, lower it, and take a sip. Then do the same thing in reverse: across, right, left. Now you've completed a toast.

Table Left (formerly Table Lord):

At a formal dinner, you toast by first lifting your glass with your left hand and turning to the right toward your Table Right. Lift your glass in a toast, but without the glasses touching! Then turn to your right neighbor and raise your glass. After this, lift your glass toward the person sitting across from you, lower it, and take a sip. Then do the same thing in reverse: straight ahead, left, right.


What makes it tricky for Table Left and Table Right is that they must always have an "open embrace" toward the person they're toasting with. This means they must switch hands between the right and left so that the glass is held in the hand farthest from the person they are toasting with.

Still feeling confused? Don't worry! It usually works itself out on the spot, and if not, you’ll have a great conversation topic!

General rules

If the participant has long hair, it should be styled up. This can be done with an elegant updo that includes a beautiful hair accessory, a fine comb, or something similar. Not all the hair needs to be completely up, so leaving some curls down is allowed. Shorter hair should be well-groomed and neat.

If a bag is brought, it should be small and neat. It must not be placed on the table during the meal, but should preferably be kept in the lap or hung on the chair.

Something fun for all participants to wear during the evening is the UTN cap.

Participants may also wear a ribbon of honor.

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